Authors of the Los Angeles Police Department - LAPD

Camerino Sanchez

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Camerino Sanchez was appointed to the position of Chief of Police for the Santa Barbara Police Department (California) in November 2000.  Prior to this appointment, he served as Chief of Police of San Rafael Police Department (1997 to 2000) and Hollister Police Department (1993 to 1997). Camerino Sanchez began his law enforcement career in 1981 when he joined the Los Angeles Police Department.  In the LAPD, he served as a police officer, detective and sergeant.  Chief Camerino Sanchez holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Public Administration and a Master’s Degree in Human Resources and Organizational Development.


Chief of Police Camerino Sanchez has been the Vice President of the California Police Chief’s Association. He has also served with the Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and the Cal-Chiefs Executive Board. He is the recipient of numerous community service and association awards. Camerino Sanchez is the author of Law Enforcement, Communication and Community.

Law Enforcement, Communication and Community
John Benjamins Publishing Co  More Info

According to the book description of Law Enforcement, Communication and Community, “Given widespread media attention to issues of crime and its prevention, police heroism, and new modes of police-community involvements, this international collection is timely. It examines ways in which police and citizens communicate across a range of contexts and problem areas. While much attention is afforded the critical roles of communication by police agencies, there has been little recourse to communication science and its theories. Likewise, the latter has not, until recently, concerned itself with analyzing police-citizen interactions. This volume examines the character of such encounters, forging new theoretical frameworks having implications for practice in many instances. Topics include media portrayals of law enforcement, communication and new technologies within LAPD  culture, domestic violence, hate crimes, stalking, sexual abuse, and hostage negotiations. This book should be relevant not only to a range of social sciences besides communication scholars and students, but also to practitioners working in the field.”

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