Frank DiPaola, Los Angeles Police Department (ret.), is a twenty-five year
veteran of law enforcement. During his career with the LAPD he founded the
Juvenile Impact Program. According to the Los Angeles Police Department, "The
Juvenile Impact Program is designed for first-time offenders referred by the
courts. The program requires the juvenile to admit to their offense and the
impact the crime caused. The juvenile then participates in a mini boot camp,
paints over existing graffiti, completes a self-esteem class, and is "scared
straight" by a group discussion led by several ex-convicts." In his retirement,
Frank DiPaola has assisted Monterey County Sheriff's Office as a gang
consultant. Currently, he volunteers with the Carmel Police Department in their
Youth Diversion Leadership Program. Frank Dipaola is the author of From
Hell to Hail Mary - A Cop's Story.