What is a Hero?: The American Heroes Press Short Story Anthology
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Many Special Weapons and Tactics team operators have college degrees.

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Welcome to the Special Weapons and Tactics website.  You can find out a lot of information about the various SWAT, Crisis Negotiations Teams (CNT), Hostage Rescue Teams (HRT) and tactical teams on this site.  The SWAT Unit link looks a cross section of law enforcement tactical organizations; the articles link gives you a portal to articles for LEO Tac-Teams as well as articles about a wide variety of law enforcement related issues.  The SWAT books link can assist you in exploring the wide variety of printed information about American tactical response to crime and terrorism.  The history link is a brief overview of the formation of SWAT concept in American domestic law enforcement. The three leadership links (Police Leadership, Military Leadership and Leadership) take you off site to well recommend sites exploring those issues.  Of course, the police officer gifts links provides the opportunity to explore gifts for your law enforcement official.  And, finally, the police books link takes you off site to a world over 1000 police officers who have written books.